Vaser Liposuction Boston, MA & Providence, RI
VASER Liposuction High Definition
Liposuction can remove fat from undesired areas. Liposculpture shapes the body to look in a certain way, decreasing some curves or enhancing other areas of cosmetic need – liposculpture begins after Liposuction ends, especially when talking about VASER® Hi-Definition Liposuction. Liposculpture and Body contouring can be achieved by Liposuction employing different techniques, or devices: traditional cannulas (Capistrano cannulas, for instance), thermal lasers (Smart-Lipo), and ultrasound-assisted liposuction (Vaser®), to name a few techniques.VASER lipo is ultrasound-assisted liposuction
Vaser liposuction is an amazing new technology that is powerful enough to reduce significant areas of fat, while also being gentle enough to treat delicate areas like your neck and arms, allowing for the possibility of minimal downtime and excellent results.
Hi-definition Vaser Liposculpture
Vaser liposculpture was devised by Dr. Alfredo Hoyos, in Colombia, and it has definitely revolutionized the world of body contouring. The procedure is performed in our facility under local anesthesia, allowing men to get that six-pack abs that’s so hard to get, even working out regularly, and women now can get well-defined vertical midline and lateral lines around their rectus abdominalis muscle.
VASER® Liposuction procedure
Vaser liposuction uses specially designed probes to deliver ultrasound waves into the fat layer to liquefy the fat cells. This procedure is tissue-selective, meaning it targets your fat cells and leaves the surrounding tissue completely intact. After the ultrasound treatment, thin cannulas are inserted through very small hidden incisions to remove the liquid and the treated fat – leaving your skin smooth and your body beautiful. At our facility, this is all done under local anesthesia, with the patients fully awake, and minimal downtime.
Tumescent VASER® Lipo Advantages
VASER® Lipo can selectively target only the fatty tissue, which may reduce surgical time and encourages smooth, predictable results as well as very fast recovery.Some other things you should know about Tumescent VASER® Liposuction:
1. VASER® Lipo can be performed under either general anesthesia or as a wide-awake procedure. It may take place in a hospital, outpatient surgery center or in a physician’s office. At the Skinsational Liposculpture Center of Boston and Providence, Dr. Luciano Sztulman performs these procedures in our offices under local anesthesia only – which is the safest technique available for Liposuction and Liposculpture.
2. Unwanted fat is treated with VASER® Lipo ultrasound and gently removed from the body through small canulas that are inserted through undetectable incisions. Your VASER® Lipo procedure may take between one and several hours to complete, depending on the number of areas being treated.
3. After your VASER® Lipo treatment, you will be provided with special compression garments to help your skin conform to your body’s new contours.
4. You may start to see results immediately after your VASER® Lipo procedure, and your results will continue to improve with time as the tissues in the treated areas heal. Your final results will typically be seen about three to four months after your VASER® Lipo procedure, when your body has completely adjusted to your new shape.
5. Downtime may be minimal. To put it in perspective, if you had your abdomen and flanks, or love handles, done, you would feel nothing for the next 12-18 hours; next, you’d feel as if you had done a heavy work-out for the next one or two days. If your work is clerical, you may go back to work in 24-48 hours. Of course, individuals results do vary, and more information about your case will be provided at your consultation, but most patients feel fine in less then one week, on the average.
Some key benefits of VASER® Lipo may include:
• You may experience single-procedure results with speedy recovery times • Vastly improved body contouring compared to traditional liposuction • VASER® Lipo easily removes large amounts of stored fat< • Smoothes skin over your new curves – even in delicate areas like the arms and neck • Refines and accentuates appearance of your muscles • VASER® SMOOTH: allows us to separate the adherent skin to the underlying fat, freeing up dimpled areas, and improving cellulite significantly. This is the only Liposculpture technique than can offer such outcome for the buttocks, hips, and legs! • High-Definition Liposculpture: Hi-def begins where Liposuction ends! This is an amazing technique that allows men to possibly get a six or eight-pack definition, and women to get the vertical lines in the midline and sides of the rectus muscle. Ask our office about it.