Is Hi-Def liposuction the same as liposculpture or liposuction?
The concept of Liposculpture has been developed concurrently with the ability of liposuction surgeons to be able to perform fat transfers from one area of the body to another. It has improved the functional, the cosmetic, and the psychological well-being of many patients that have lost volume in bodily areas due to aging, diseases, or accidents.
Liposculpture is art and medicine together.
In essence, fat can be injected in areas of need to enhance contour, such as the face, the chest, the buttocks, immediately creating or restoring volume in those areas. The procedure requires the surgeon to have an artistic talent in order to produce optimal results, as well as adequate training.
Liposuction reduces the fat in areas of the body, and Liposculpture works towards shaping those areas, both during and after the Liposuction is performed.
The concept of High-definition liposuction has been an amazing advancement in the field of Liposuction. It allows liposculpture to be more defined, more precise in certain areas, defining certain anatomic structures. For instance, in the rectus abdominalis muscle (your stomach) a 6-pack configuration can be achieved in males, and vertical midline or lateral lines can be attained in females.
Hi-Def Liposuction begins where liposuction ends! It is an amazing procedure that can be very safely performed in-office, solely under local anesthesia, and with the patient fully awake, like in a dental procedure.