The surgical treatment of Gynecomastia includes liposuction and removal of the gynecomastia tissue, which lies beneath the areola, the round darker tissue that contains the nipple in its center part.
Vaser liposuction has yielded excellent results when it comes to removing the fat, and fort the excision of the enlarged tissue, we employ a special device through the armpit area. This will remove the desired tissue entirely, leaving NO scar in the areola, with minimal or no downtime. Patients usually drive home themselves after the procedure.
It is SCARLESS removal of gynecomastia!
You will watch lots of techniques on YouTube, and almost all of them involve an incision in the lower part of the areola from 3 to 9 o’clock, or directly in the nipple, followed by removal of the gynecomastia tissue. The side-effects include the adhesion of this scar to the underlying tissue causing a scarred appearance, which is cosmetically undesired, and difficult to repair.
At Skinsational Liposculpture we can help you plan for your optimal surgical treatment of gynecomastia, with travel arrangements, and zero-interest finance is available. Cost should NOT come in-between excellent care and the patient.