Cosmetic surgery is all about aesthetics, bringing out the beauty of the human body. For years, artists have studied anatomy and worked with elements of stone, clay, paint and ink to recreate the forms of humanity. Dr. Luciano practices his art at the highest level, by using liposculpture to shape the human body itself.
If you’ve been considering liposuction to return your body to its former shapeliness, there’s a few things you need to know. Getting the shape you want requires more than simply removing the fat. You need liposculpture, an artful approach that focuses on achieving the desired outcome and not just eliminating the fat.
What Is Liposculpture?
Liposculpture is the step after liposuction, which focuses on giving your body a defined, sleek shape. After all, you don’t just want to look “better,” you want to look your BEST. That means smoothing out the contours under your skin and enhancing some curves and minimizing others. It is this smoothing and reshaping that is done through liposculpture, also referred to as body contouring.
State-of-the-Art Liposculpture Techniques
Laser and ultrasound technology are major components of modern body sculpting used in the Skinsational cosmetic surgery performed by Dr. Luciano. Laser heat and sound waves can be specifically targeted to remove only the fat layers. The tissue underneath is protected and allows smooth muscle contours to support your skin.
In addition to providing more pleasing results than liposuction alone, these liposculpture techniques can be performed in our offices at Skinsational using local anesthetics. You don’t have any of the risks of general anesthesia; plus, most patients experience a quick recovery with minimal discomfort.
Smart-Lipo Laser Sculpting – This technology uses laser heat to melt away the fat and then drain it from the body. This procedure is very effective in removing cellulite and the dimpling effects the fat layer can have on the outer skin. Your thighs and butt area can look smooth and tight again.
Vaser Lipo Ultrasound Sculpting – Just as with the laser, your fat is liquefied by this ultrasound process. Then the fat can be drained from your body. With High-definition Vaser 4-D Liposculpture, you can actually define the muscular structures in your abdomen, back, arms and legs. The results are truly amazing compared to other forms of liposuction or even liposculpture. Those 6-pack abs will show through for the guys, and the girls can show off a flat, smooth stomach between their bikini top and bottom.
For the best results, Dr. Luciano often uses a combination of techniques with his liposculpture patients. To discuss what procedures would be most effective in achieving the results you desire, schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Luciano at our Rhode Island office.